Weighing the Adverse Effects of Fructose vs. Glucose | 03/20/2015 | |
The Argument for a Soda Tax | 10/09/2009 | |
Lasting Medical Impacts of the 1984 Bhopal Disaster | 09/24/2010 | |
Pediatric Metabolic Syndrome | 10/23/2009 | |
Adding Ancillaries: Balancing Clinical Needs with Finances | 07/17/2009 | |
Erectile Dysfunction: A Window Into Cardiovascular Health | 03/25/2025 | |
Trends in Stratifying Those With Cardiometabolic Risk | 11/13/2009 | |
Tips for Starting a New Practice | 01/23/2015 | |
Finding Weight Loss Success in a Team-Based Approach | 05/22/2009 | |
Putting Your Practice’s Inventory on a ‘No Pork Diet’ | 05/28/2010 | |
Savvy Tips for Marketing Your Practice on a Tight Budget | 12/18/2009 | |
Helping Patients Find Better Deals on Tests and Medicines | 05/08/2009 | |
Maintaining Your Practice Through Tough Economic Times | 04/16/2010 | |
24-Hour Clinics: Around the Clock Care in NYC | 05/29/2009 | |
Testing to Trace Cancers of Unknown Primary Origin | 07/17/2015 | |
3D Imaging for Stroke-Inducing Carotid Artery Disease | 03/26/2025 | |
Keys to Weight Loss: Specific Nutrients or Just Calories? | 11/06/2009 | |
Lipid Lowering: The End or the Means to Better CV Results? | 07/17/2009 | |
The Do's and Don'ts of Buying an EMR | 09/11/2009 | |
Digital Developments to Help Validate Insurance at Check-In | 04/09/2010 | |
Advantages and Pitfalls of Real-Time Claims Adjudication | 12/25/2009 | |
Pursuing Ever More Accurate Cardiovascular Risk Projections | 10/16/2009 | |
Are Older Drugs 'In' Again for Depression in Parkinson’s? | 05/14/2015 | |
Keys to Reversing Pediatric Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease | 03/25/2025 | |
Will You Be Sorry? How to Handle a Medical Mistake | 01/29/2010 | |
Treating Temporal Lobe Epilepsy With Surgery | 03/06/2009 | |
Why a Good Night’s Sleep is Good for the Heart | 03/19/2025 | |
Eating for Cardiovascular Health | 10/01/2009 | |
Is Cardiac Resynchronization Beneficial? | 03/22/2025 | |
Can Viagra Protect the Heart? | 03/24/2025 | |
Medical Foods Explained | 03/20/2009 | |
Managing Chronic Diseases With Therapeutic Lifestyle Programs | 02/20/2009 | |
A Critical View of JUPITER | 02/06/2009 | |
Hormone Replacement Therapy and Heart Disease | 09/11/2009 | |
Breath-Analyzing Laser Technologies to Assess Health: the Optical Frequency Comb | 01/15/2015 | |
Impact of Healthcare Spending on the Economy | 02/27/2009 | |
NHANES Database Reveals Skyrocketing Triglyceride Levels | 01/01/2010 | |
In a Sick Market, Medical Offices Are a Healthier Asset | 02/06/2009 | |
A Pacemaker for the Brain? Developments in Neuroprosthetics | 01/23/2015 | |
Protective Hypothermia: Medical Ice Slurry Technology | 02/06/2015 | |
Carotid Ultrasound Scans for Assessing Cardiovascular Risk | 12/11/2009 | |
What Does an Office Visit Really Cost? | 03/26/2018 | |
Borrowing 'Six Sigma' Measurements From Business | 03/27/2018 | |
Lowering Lipids Through Therapeutic Lifestyle Change | 12/04/2009 | |
Good and Bad Dietary Fats Explained | 03/06/2009 | |
Does a Poor Economy Improve Public Health? | 12/26/2008 | |
Year in Review: Key Lipid Clinical Trials of 2008 | 12/26/2008 | |
JUPITER Study Shows Statins Help Even If Cholesterol Is Normal | 12/05/2008 | |
Using Calcium Scoring for Cardiovascular Risk Prediction | 08/14/2009 | |
Executive Physicals: Harmful to Health? | 04/02/2018 | |
Study Shows Uncertainty in Role of Statins in Primary Prevention For Women | 12/26/2008 | |
Insulin-Like Effects on Exercising Muscles | 10/01/2015 | |
Stark Law Updates | 12/19/2008 | |
Developing Trends in Medical Practice Revenue and Operating Expenses | 12/12/2008 | |
Smoking Cessation Strategies for the 21st Century | 11/27/2009 | |
Results of ADVANCE Diabetes Trial | 11/21/2008 | |
Aspirin Resistance and Its Implications in Clinical Practice | 03/24/2025 | |
Tuition Free Medical School | 11/21/2008 | |
Texas: Tort Reform Success Story | 11/14/2008 | |
Circumcision Reduces the Risk of HIV Infection | 12/05/2008 | |
The Importance of Non-HDL Cholesterol Testing | 11/20/2009 | |
Cholesterol Management in Children | 10/12/2008 | |
Fish Consumption Fights Heart Disease | 02/06/2009 | |
Status Report on US Retail Health Clinics | 01/02/2009 | |
Retail Clinics: Gold Mines or Flops? | 11/02/2008 | |
Disaster Preparedness & Daily Operations in the ER | 09/18/2009 | |
Emergency Department Designed to Manage All Risks | 09/21/2008 | |
Legal Issues Concerning the Concierge Practice | 11/14/2008 | |
Analysis of the Interheart Study | 09/21/2008 | |
High-Tech Cardiovascular Risk Assessment | 10/26/2008 | |
Do Celebrity Heart Attacks Influence Public Health? | 11/07/2008 | |
Connecting the Dots: Sleep Apnea and Heart Disease | 10/05/2008 | |
E-Discovery Protection: Insurance Coverage & Electronic Records | 10/26/2008 | |
Warning: The Risks of Prescribing "Off-Label" | 05/15/2015 | |
Preemption: A Physician's Friend or Foe? | 10/12/2008 | |
Pharmacy Robot Works 24/7 to Eliminate Errors | 12/05/2008 | |
From Tragedy to Opportunity: Founding Practice Pearls | 02/07/2018 | |
Discovering More Cash in Your Practice | 11/21/2008 | |
Outsourcing Delinquent Debt Collections | 09/14/2008 | |
The ERA JUMP Study: Reevaluating the Omega-3 Index | 09/28/2008 | |
Personal Money Management for Physicians | 05/09/2014 | |
Investment Decisions in a Down Market | 11/28/2008 | |
Improve Staff Utilization in Your Practice | 02/26/2018 | |
Hospital Owned Medical Practices: Tips for Success | 02/07/2018 | |
Could Statins Protect Against Cognitive Decline? | 08/24/2008 | |
Lipid-Lowering Effects of Thyroid Hormone | 08/31/2008 | |
Secondary Contamination: A Threat to Our Safety? | 10/01/2010 | |
Building a Medical Home From the Ground Up | 12/12/2008 | |
What Makes a Medical Home a Medical Home? | 10/05/2008 | |
Looking Beyond LDL to Reduce Cardiovascular Events | 11/02/2008 | |
Robotic Telemedicine In The Neurology Department | 11/02/2008 | |
Metabolic Syndrome in Children and Adolescents | 08/17/2008 | |
Managing Insulin-Resistant Patients With Multiple Risk Factors | 08/10/2008 | |
The Business of Physician Rankings | 10/19/2008 | |
Should We Fear Patient Ranking Systems? | 01/30/2009 | |
Physician Opportunity: Bringing a New Product to Market | 09/07/2008 | |
deCode MI: Another Tool to Assess Patient's MI Risk | 09/14/2008 | |
Managing the Unhappy Plastic Surgery Patient | 01/30/2009 | |
Neurological Impact of Heavy Marijuana Use | 11/28/2008 | |
Heavy Marijuana Use and Triglycerides Levels | 08/10/2008 | |
The Truth About Steroids | 07/13/2008 | |
Preventing Sudden Cardiac Death in Athletes | 07/31/2009 | |
The Role of an Olympic Chief Medical Officer | 07/13/2008 | |
The Latest Targets of Lipid Therapy | 09/07/2008 | |
Does ApoB Trump Non-HDL Measurements? | 07/13/2008 | |
Polycystic Ovary Disease | 07/06/2008 | |
LDL Apheresis | 06/29/2008 | |
Validity of Physician Ranking Systems | 08/10/2008 | |
Tiered Physician Networks | 07/20/2008 | |
Concierge Medicine: Doctors Working for Patients | 09/21/2008 | |
The Pioneer of Concierge Medicine | 09/14/2008 | |
The Real Story on Stents: A Bright Future? | 10/19/2008 | |
The Cardiopathology of Plaque | 08/03/2008 | |
Physicians' Tools for Treating Patients Who Drink Too Much | 11/07/2008 | |
Alcohol Use Disorders: Can We Do More? | 08/17/2008 | |
The Conversion to Concierge Medicine: Payoffs and Pitfalls | 09/21/2008 | |
Rebuilding Healthcare from the Inside Out | 07/27/2008 | |
Singapore: A Global Medical Hub? | 12/05/2008 | |
Do African Americans Benefit From Beta Blockers? | 07/20/2008 | |
Advanced Cholesterol Testing | 11/14/2008 | |
Brain Research & National Defense: How Sleep, Beta Blockers, and Hallucinogens Can Aid the Military | 12/14/2017 | |
CVD Risk in Special Female Populations | 06/01/2008 | |
You've Been Served. Now What? | 11/30/2017 | |
Priorities to Minimizing Medical Malpractice Risks | 05/02/2017 | |
Starting or Purchasing A Medical Practice | 06/22/2008 | |
Is the Local Hospital Interested in Purchasing Your Practice? | 11/28/2008 | |
The COURAGE Trial: Unpopular to Some, Embraced by Many | 05/25/2008 | |
Making Your Voice Heard to Reform Healthcare | 04/10/2008 | |
Can A Consultant Help Your Greatest Practice Woes? | 07/20/2008 | |
Telemedicine's Impacts on Global Health | 07/27/2008 | |
Which EHR Is Right For Your Practice? | 07/27/2008 | |
Office EHR's: Is It Time for your Practice to Transition? | 05/18/2008 | |
Impacting Atherosclerosis | 05/18/2008 | |
The COURAGE Trial's Impact on Clinical Practice | 05/04/2008 | |
CVD Risk Factors and Cognitive Impairment | 05/11/2008 | |
Emerging Biomarkers and New Drugs | 04/27/2008 | |
Noninvasive Imaging for the Vulnerable Patient | 03/26/2025 | |
Building a Healthy Doctor-Patient Relationship, Even in 15 Minutes or Less | 01/11/2018 | |
Misconceptions in Coronary Risk & Lipid Medicine | 04/13/2008 | |
Advanced Coronary Risk Assessment Insights | 04/06/2008 | |
Endopat 2000: Measuring Endothelial Function | 08/24/2008 | |
Endothelium Regulation and Dysfunction | 05/18/2008 | |
Innovative Atherosclerosis Treatments | 05/18/2008 | |
Society for Heart Attack Prevention & Eradication | 05/11/2008 | |
Helping your Office Thrive: DIRFT & Other Important Practice Management Tips | 04/27/2008 | |
Do You Run Your Medical Practice as a Business? | 03/05/2008 | |
CVD Risk Prediction | 03/23/2008 | |
Off Call: The Fastest Growing Luxury Travel Sector | 05/04/2008 | |
Current Treatments for Peyronie's Disease | 06/22/2008 | |
Heart Disease Treatment and Genetic Makeup | 05/04/2008 | |
Diuretics, Antihypertensives & Metabolic Syndrome | 05/25/2008 | |
Filing Tax Extensions: The How and When for Protecting Your Practice | 04/06/2008 | |
The Yo-Yo Medicare Reimbursement Plan | 05/25/2008 | |
Managing Your Clinical Practice Through a Recession | 04/06/2008 | |
In-Line Vasectomy and Vasectomy Reversals | 06/08/2008 | |
Daily Dosing Erectile Dysfunction Drugs | 06/29/2008 | |
Atherosclerosis Imaging | 07/27/2008 | |
Managing Statin Intolerant Patients | 07/20/2008 | |
Managing Your Moonlighting Income | 03/23/2008 | |
It's Tax Time: What Physicians Should Know | 03/30/2008 | |
Getting Physicians to Adopt New Tools | 05/25/2008 | |
Early Alzheimer Screening Device: DETECT | 03/16/2008 | |
The ENHANCE Study | 02/17/2008 | |
Are Statins Overused? | 03/02/2008 | |
RESPERATE & Device-Guided Breathing | 02/17/2008 | |
Microsoft HealthVault: the Next Phase of Medical Records? | 05/25/2008 | |
Training Physicians in Information Technology | 05/11/2008 | |
The Pennsylvania Cancer Control Consortium | 04/20/2008 | |
How Physicians Can Improve Colorectal Screening | 04/06/2008 | |
Door to Balloon Time for ST-Elevation MI | 06/01/2008 | |
Accreditation Council for Clinical Lipidology | 08/03/2008 | |
Grapefruit Juice and Rapamycin | 04/13/2008 | |
The Impact of Needle Free Delivery & Global Health | 04/27/2008 | |
Needle-Free Injection Delivery | 03/16/2008 | |
Imaging Techniques for Detecting CAD | 03/02/2008 | |
Heart Attack Prevention and Vaso Vasorum | 02/10/2008 | |
Bio-Degradeable Magnesium Stents | 02/24/2008 | |
Use of Intravascular MRI in Plaque Detection | 03/25/2025 | |
Grapefruit Juice and Drug Metabolism | 07/06/2008 | |
Diets, Lipids and Heart Disease | 06/22/2008 | |
Managing Metabolic Syndrome | 04/20/2008 | |
Bringing Science to the Next Generation | 01/08/2016 | |
Book Club: "Code Name God" | 08/31/2016 | |
The Excimer Laser and the History of Lasik | 02/22/2016 | |
Fee Collection: Training Patients To Pay on Time | 04/20/2008 | |
Fee Collection: 'Best Practices' | 07/06/2008 | |
In and Around HDL | 03/09/2008 | |
Dark Scientific Data | 03/02/2008 | |
Retail Genomics | 01/06/2008 | |
COURAGE Trial - Purpose and Design | 01/20/2008 | |
COURAGE Trial in Hindsight | 12/30/2007 | |
Be the Primary Stakeholder of Your Practice | 06/29/2008 | |
Improving the Physician/Patient Relationship | 02/10/2008 | |
AMA Policy Agenda | 12/30/2007 | |
Who was John Gofman? | 03/02/2008 | |
Future Healthcare Staffing Shortages | 03/30/2008 | |
Future Costs Of Healthcare | 07/06/2008 | |
How Will Future Technology Affect You? | 01/27/2008 | |
The Future of Healthcare Technology | 01/13/2008 | |
Healthcare Problems and Solutions in the Wake of Reform | 11/08/2007 | |
Moving Medication to Market More Quickly | 12/19/2008 | |
Investing in Funds vs. Individual Stocks | 03/09/2008 | |
Investing in Annuities | 01/27/2008 | |
Oh Oh Omega 3! | 02/24/2008 | |
Treating Prostate Cancer: Surgery or Radiation | 04/13/2008 | |
New Radiation Therapies for Prostate Cancer | 06/15/2008 | |
Policy Agenda for Y-ME National Breast Cancer Org. | 04/20/2008 | |
The Momentum of the Breast Cancer Movement | 12/16/2007 | |
Midwest Lipid Association Conference Series II | 12/02/2007 | |
The Lowdown on Lipid Lowering | 11/25/2007 | |
Obesity: Identification, Evaluation and Treatment | 06/15/2008 | |
Increase Cashflow? Code Correctly! | 08/17/2008 | |
OIG Coding Changes 2008 | 06/01/2008 | |
Is Billing Taking Away from The Joy of Practicing? | 04/13/2008 | |
C3: Grass Roots Fight to Stop Colorectal Cancer | 12/09/2007 | |
Molding a Motivated, Productive Staff | 05/25/2008 | |
The Challenges of Running A Medical Practice | 01/20/2008 | |
When Does Air Pollution Become A Danger To Health | 02/17/2008 | |
Air Pollution and Cardiovascular Disease | 02/03/2008 | |
Mitral Valve Prolapse: Is it Life Threatening? | 01/20/2008 | |
Shift in Thinking About Hormone Replacement | 03/02/2008 | |
HRT and Coronary Calcification | 02/10/2008 | |
Pediatric Obesity | 11/11/2007 | |
Have your adult patients been vaccinated? | 12/16/2007 | |
Diabetes and Vaccination | 11/18/2007 | |
Lipid Issues in the HIV Patient | 02/17/2008 | |
Smoking, Cardiovascular Disease, and ED | 03/30/2008 | |
Manganese and Human Health | 12/23/2007 | |
Diabetic Sector Update | 11/25/2007 | |
The Diabetic Investor | 11/11/2007 | |
Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes and Lipidology | 02/03/2008 | |
Optimizing Patient Flow: Tips and Tricks | 03/16/2008 | |
Streamlining Billings and Collections in your Practice | 01/06/2008 | |
Doctors Who Blog | 11/11/2007 | |
Healthcare Blogging | 01/20/2008 | |
Isabel Healthcare | 03/09/2008 | |
Misdiagnoses: Costs, Prevalence & Solutions | 12/23/2007 | |
Pediatric Intensive Care - Making a Diagnosis | 10/21/2007 | |
Preventive Heart Disease Therapies for Diabetics | 11/04/2007 | |
Dysfunctional HDL | 03/09/2008 | |
New Treatments in Cosmetic Dermatology: Are The [Wrinkle] Lines Blurring? | 10/20/2017 | |
Are You Saving Enough For Your Child's Education? | 10/14/2007 | |
Can PTSD be Mitigated? | 09/28/2008 | |
PTSD and First Aid for the Psyche | 10/01/2009 | |
Reacting to Trauma & Stress: Reliving the 1988 Aloha Airlines Disaster | 09/17/2010 | |
Bonds 101 | 01/13/2008 | |
Stocks 101 | 12/09/2007 | |
Why Physicians Should Use Captive Insurance | 08/03/2008 | |
Asset Protection | 09/05/2007 | |
Lipids and Other Markers | 03/30/2008 | |
Rural Health - Is There a Problem? | 12/09/2007 | |
The Problem with Retail Clinics | 11/04/2007 | |
Cash Only Medical Practice | 10/14/2007 | |
Traditional Cold Remedies: How Do They Rate? | 11/18/2007 | |
Natural Cold Remedies: Is There Evidence They Work? | 09/30/2007 | |
Duodenal Switch Procedure - Is it better? | 11/25/2007 | |
Duodenal Switch Surgery for Morbid Obesity | 10/28/2007 | |
The Credit Crunch | 09/23/2007 | |
Retirement Planning For Physicians | 11/18/2007 | |
Medical Journalism | 11/25/2007 | |
Internist and Medical Journalist | 10/21/2007 | |
Become A More Mindful Practioner | 10/28/2007 | |
Mind and Brain: A Week of Silence | 01/13/2008 | |
The Mindful Brain | 12/02/2007 | |
Newt Gingrich: Overhaul Approach to Alzheimer's | 09/30/2007 | |
Newt Gingrich: Improving Care for Diabetics | 11/04/2007 | |
Newt Gingrich: 21st Century Intelligent Healthcare | 09/23/2007 | |
Newt Gingrich: Healthcare Information Technology | 09/09/2007 | |
apoE and Alzheimer's Disease | 10/14/2007 | |
401(k) Plan Design for Physician Groups | 09/09/2007 | |
The Role of the Lipid Clinic & Cardiometabolic Risk | 09/16/2007 | |
Stop Smoking! | 10/28/2007 | |
Tobacco Control Strategies | 09/16/2007 | |
Medical Practice Websites | 11/04/2007 | |
Practicing Electronic Medicine | 10/07/2007 | |
Pastoral Counseling Methods and Outcomes | 03/16/2016 | |
Pastoral Psychotherapy | 10/13/2015 | |
Non-Statin Safety | 09/23/2007 | |
Statin Safety | 12/23/2007 | |
Diabetic Dyslipidemia | 11/04/2007 | |
The Role of CoQ10 in Statin Intolerance | 09/02/2007 | |
Characteristics of an Ideal Practice | 08/19/2007 | |
Practicing Medicine in the 21st Century | 08/19/2007 | |
Estate Planning Mistakes | 08/19/2007 | |
Investment Basics | 08/19/2007 | |
Nicotine Immunization | 09/02/2007 | |
What Else Can Big Pharma Do? | 10/07/2007 | |
Money Talks and PERx: the movies | 09/02/2007 | |
Side Effects: The Movie | 08/26/2007 | |
Fractional Ownership as a Vacation Option for Docs | 09/20/2016 | |
Is New Technology in the ER a Bad Thing? | 07/31/2007 | |
Pulminary Embolism Rule-Out Criteria | 08/26/2007 | |
Medicine's Complicity With Big Business: Part 2 | 08/12/2007 | |
Medicine's Complicity With Big Business: Part 1 | 08/12/2007 | |
Practice Partnerships: Buy-Ins and Buy-Outs | 08/12/2007 | |
What is the Value of Your Medical Practice? | 08/12/2007 | |
Is a Concierge Practice Right for You? | 09/26/2016 | |
What is a Concierge Practice? | 09/28/2016 | |
Combination Lipid Therapy... What Works? | 08/12/2007 | |
Lipid Issues in Primary Care | 08/19/2007 | |
Smoking Cessation Medication and Treatments | 08/05/2007 | |
How to Help a Patient Quit Smoking | 08/05/2007 | |
Vertical Investing in Healthcare | 08/12/2007 | |
The Newest Cardiac Marker Test: PLAC Test | 09/02/2007 | |
Emotional Investing Minefields | 07/29/2007 | |
Emotional Investing: Which Emotions to Listen To? | 07/29/2007 | |
Should Emotions Play a Role in Investing? | 07/22/2007 | |
10 Actions Your Practice Must Take By 2010 | 07/22/2007 | |
Why a Business Plan and How to Create One | 07/22/2007 | |
Mastering Patient Flow:Improve Practice Operations | 07/29/2007 | |
Mastering Patient Flow: Using Lean Thinking | 07/22/2007 | |
Psychology of Fundamentalism and Suicide Bombers | 09/30/2007 | |
Has Psychoanalysis Lost its Cache? | 07/29/2007 | |
Analysis of Psychoanalysis | 07/29/2007 | |
Pediatric Dyslipidemia | 10/14/2007 | |
OTC Supplement Discussion | 07/29/2007 | |
How a Radiologist Achieved Work-Life Balance Through Locum Tenens | 09/02/2021 | |
Travel the World as a Temporary Physician | 07/22/2007 | |
The Benefit of Gitazones after PCI | 07/02/2007 | |
Menopause and Lipidology | 08/05/2007 | |
Cardiovascular Disease in Women | 03/16/2008 | |
ACS: an invasive cardiologists view | 07/15/2007 | |
Acute Coronary Syndrome | 07/15/2007 | |
Hand-Carried Ultrasound in Varioius Medical Fields | 07/08/2007 | |
Vaporization: Smokeless Cannabis Delivery System | 07/08/2007 | |
Cannabis in Painful Sensory Neuropathy | 07/08/2007 | |
Cognitive Therapy: A New Approach to Weight Loss | 07/15/2007 | |
The Current Therapy Revolution | 07/15/2007 | |
Bridges to Excellence: Incentives for Quality Care | 07/08/2007 | |
Prometheus Payment: an Alternative to P4P | 07/08/2007 | |
Is It Time for Over-the-Counter Statins? | 07/08/2007 | |
The ABCs of Preventing Heart Disease | 07/01/2007 | |
To Give or Not to Give: advice to friends/family | 07/01/2007 | |
What to Do If You Get Sued! | 07/01/2007 | |
Why Doctors Get Sued: Myths vs Realities | 07/01/2007 | |
The Cost of High-Dose Statins | 06/24/2007 | |
Main Findings and Implications of "Cost Effectiveness of High-Dose Statin Therapy in High-Risk Pati… | 06/24/2007 | |
Cost Effectiveness of High-Dose Statins | 06/24/2007 | |
Universal Implications of DES | 06/10/2007 | |
Psychosocial Causes of Chronic Low Back Pain | 07/01/2007 | |
Dealing with Acute Low Back Pain | 06/24/2007 | |
What is a Physiatrist? | 06/24/2007 | |
Universal Implications of DES | 06/10/2007 | |
Drug Eluting Stents | 06/10/2007 | |
Pioglitazones in NASH | 06/17/2007 | |
The Myth of Monounsaturated Fat | 06/10/2007 | |
Inhibiting ACAT2 may help eliminate heart disease | 06/10/2007 | |
Cardiology | 06/03/2007 | |
Free Electronic Health Records | 06/17/2007 | |
Government Interested in Electronic Health Records | 06/17/2007 | |
Doctor-Patient Relationship via Email | 06/03/2007 | |
Technology in our practices | 06/03/2007 | |
The Great Practice Makeover-What are your needs? | 06/17/2007 | |
The Great Practice Makeover-Staff Benchmarking | 06/17/2007 | |
Patient Flow | 06/17/2007 | |
Future of IVUS | 05/27/2007 | |
IVUS Trial | 05/27/2007 | |
IVUS Trial | 05/27/2007 | |
What the future may hold: medical imaging | 09/02/2007 | |
Assessment of coronary artery diseases in 2007 | 05/27/2007 | |
Overview of Technology and CAD | 05/27/2007 | |
Overview of Pathobiology: coronary artery disease | 06/03/2007 | |
Manufacturing Depression: the placebo story | 05/27/2007 | |
Manufacturing Depression: one doctor's inside view | 05/27/2007 | |
Becoming a Full Time Lipidologist | 07/22/2007 | |
Getting ROI from your Revenue Cycle management sol | 05/27/2007 | |
Industry Trends Impacting Practice Revenue | 05/20/2007 | |
Understanding Your Practice Revenue Cycle | 05/20/2007 | |
Defining Revenue Cycle Managment | 05/20/2007 | |
The Disappearance of the Doctors' Lounge | 05/20/2007 | |
HIPAA ...tales from the disclosure front | 05/20/2007 | |
HIPAA... Permitted Uses and Disclosures | 05/20/2007 | |
HIPAA and the Individual Right to Privacy | 05/27/2007 | |
HIPAA Privacy Regulations Overview | 05/27/2007 | |
MI: Common Cause of Negligence Claims | 05/06/2007 | |
Free Hypertension Medication | 05/13/2007 | |
Medical Charting: What Not to Write | 05/13/2007 | |
Breaking Up is Hard to Do | 05/13/2007 | |
Medical Charting: What Should be Charted | 05/13/2007 | |
Medical Charting 101 | 05/13/2007 | |
Cardiovascular Disease Prevention & Telemedicine | 05/13/2007 | |
Exploring Telemedicine | 05/13/2007 | |
The Role of Telemedicine in Managing Diabetes | 05/13/2007 | |
Cardiac Catheterization and Heart Disease | 04/29/2007 | |
The Courage Trial Implications | 04/29/2007 | |
The Courage Trial | 04/29/2007 | |
What Can Be Done To Close the Hospital Gap | 05/13/2007 | |
Hospital Gaps | 08/22/2014 | |
The Proliferation of Cosmetic Dermatology | 04/17/2007 | |
Body Dysmorphic Disorder: BDD | 04/17/2007 | |
Diagnosis of Internal Disease Through Dermatology | 12/09/2007 | |
Implementing an EMR | 01/07/2007 | |
Electrnic Inputs Effect On Physicians | 01/07/2007 | |
Making EMR Selection a Business Decision | 01/07/2007 | |
The Self Pay Evolution | 01/07/2007 | |
The culture of transparency and accountability | 01/07/2007 | |
The Anatomy of a Practice | 04/22/2007 | |
Optimizing Your Practice Management | 04/22/2007 | |
How CT Imaging of AIDS patients is different | 04/16/2007 | |
CT Abdomen Imaging of AIDS Patients | 04/22/2007 | |
Multidetector CT: The newest innovation in CT Scan | 04/22/2007 | |
STARK Violations | 05/06/2007 | |
STARK Regulation views on Medical Directore | 05/06/2007 | |
STARK Regulations and Leases | 05/06/2007 | |
The STARK Reality | 05/06/2007 | |
Micropractice...is it really the perfect practice? | 04/29/2007 | |
P4P Mania | 05/06/2007 | |
Shaken Baby Syndrome - Medical Issues in the Court | 04/22/2007 | |
Ophthalmic Pathology - A Highly Specialized Field | 01/07/2007 | |
Shaken Baby Syndrome - The Retinal Repercussions | 04/22/2007 | |
Biggest Practice Challenges Doctors Face | 04/08/2007 | |
The Proliferation of Food Allegies | 01/07/2007 | |