The Obesity Epidemic in Women: Causes and Consequences
Treating Chronic Pelvic Pain: A Challenge For Even Experienced Clinicians
Finding the Source of Chronic Pelvic Pain
Can We Get a Clear Picture on Perinatal Ultrasound?
Revolutionizing Preimplantation Genetics
What Makes Women Tick? Could it Be Estrogen?
The Sister Study: Is Breast Cancer Caused by Genetics or Environment?
How Early Sexual Experiences Contribute to Sexual Function in Adults
What is Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSP)?
A Life on the Front Lines: The Journey of an Abortion Doctor
Can Acupuncture Improve IVF Results?
Seniors and HIV: The Myths and the Realities
Caring for OB/GYN Patients With Psychiatric Comorbidities
The Psychiatric Impact of OB/GYN Disorders
Postpartum Depression vs. the Baby Blues