Welcome to ReachMD Briefs, your source for exclusive short video content on ReachMD. Each video provides medical insights in brief, easy-to-digest formats for when you only have a moment of time between patient visits. From the latest medical discoveries to obscure medical jargon, there’s something for everyone. So go ahead, explore our content and find something interesting to share with your patients or discuss around the wards. Who knows what you will discover?
Kathy King, RDN
PeerDon't Hesitate...Amputate! The Surgical Legacy of Robert Liston
Marshall Miller
PeerMindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think
Kathy King, RDN
PeerDiets with More Plant Protein Linked to Lower Risk of Death
Cinnamon: Low-Cost Spice, High-Yield Health Benefits
Kathy King, RDN
PeerThe Health Benefits and Risks of Turmeric
Kathy King, RDN
PeerThe Leapfrog Effect of Technology on Global Health
Mary Leuchars, MD
PeerSaturated Fat Is No Longer the Nutritional Villain
Kathy King, RDN
PeerHealth Impacts of the Overworked Lifestyle
Brian P. McDonough, MD, FAAFP
PeerAntibiotic Resistance Now 'Global Threat,' Warns WHO
Mary Leuchars, MD
PeerThe Alarming Risks of Depression and Suicide for Gay and Bisexual Men
Mary Leuchars, MD