Tune in to interviews with the top thought leaders in medicine exploring the clinical and professional issues that are foremost in the minds of the medical community. Join us at the Clinician's Roundtable for discussions on a vast range of topics that every medical professional should know about.
Making Hospital Rounds: The Surgical Physician Assistant
Making Hospital Rounds: The Surgical Physician Assistant
The Most Common Billing Mistakes for PA Services
The Most Common Billing Mistakes for PA Services
Coding Tips to Maximize Physician Assistant Reimbursement
Coding Tips to Maximize Physician Assistant Reimbursement
Pharmacy Robot Works 24/7 to Eliminate Errors
Pharmacy Robot Works 24/7 to Eliminate Errors
From Tragedy to Opportunity: Founding Practice Pearls
From Tragedy to Opportunity: Founding Practice Pearls
Outsourcing Delinquent Debt Collections
Outsourcing Delinquent Debt Collections
Beyond the T-score: New Thinking in Osteoporosis 2
Beyond the T-score: New Thinking in Osteoporosis 2
Beyond the T-Score: New Thinking in Osteoporosis
Beyond the T-Score: New Thinking in Osteoporosis
Compassion and Choices: The Rights of the Terminally Ill
Compassion and Choices: The Rights of the Terminally Ill
Personal Money Management for Physicians
Personal Money Management for Physicians
Thoughts on New Pharma Marketing Guidelines
Thoughts on New Pharma Marketing Guidelines