Tune in to interviews with the top thought leaders in medicine exploring the clinical and professional issues that are foremost in the minds of the medical community. Join us at the Clinician's Roundtable for discussions on a vast range of topics that every medical professional should know about.
Drug Response Variability: Toward Customized Treatments for Arrhythmias
Medical Foods Explained
Managing Chronic Diseases With Therapeutic Lifestyle Programs
Assessing Ankle Injuries From Stretch to Tear
Transoral Gastroplasty: The Next Step in Bariatric Surgery?
Can Testosterone Patch Up Your Sex Life?
Hold the Sunscreen: Your Body Needs That Vitamin D
Managing Impulse Control Disorders in Parkinson's Patients
Depression and Treatment in Parkinson’s Disease
Organized Labor Flourishes in Health Care Despite Industry Woes
Obama's Labor Ally in the Healthcare Debate
New Advances in the Treatment of Familial Dysautonomia
Uncovering the Gene Mutation for Familial Dysautonomia
Addressing Tuberculosis and Multi-Drug Resistance at a Cellular Level
Medical Technologies From the Edge of Medicine