Nutritional Trajectory for the Preterm Infant at Discharge
Matt Birnholz, MD
PeerProva -- Building an Effective Preterm Infant Nutrition Discharge Plan
Matt Birnholz, MD
PeerImproving Cervical Cancer Screening
Matt Birnholz, MD
PeerManaging Nutritional Care of the Premie Graduate: A Pediatrician's Perspective
Matt Birnholz, MD
PeerLipids and Hormone Therapy
Recommendations in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Gestational Diabetes
CDC Guidelines for the Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Infections
Eating Disorders and Their Cost to the Community
From Georgia — A Pioneer in Reproductive Medicine
Screening, Diagnosis and Early Treatment for Diabetes and Pregnancy
How the VA System is Meeting the Healthcare Needs of Female Veterans
Adolescent Reproductive Health Conditions and Fertility Preservation
Sex, Secrets and Teenage Girls
Protecting Girls From Genital Mutilation and Circumcision