Tune in to interviews with the top thought leaders in medicine exploring the clinical and professional issues that are foremost in the minds of the medical community. Join us at the Clinician's Roundtable for discussions on a vast range of topics that every medical professional should know about.
Re-evaluating Testosterone Therapy
Urban Hospital Closings: What Lies Ahead?
The Ethical Considerations of Transplanting a Face
Cockroaches & New Real-World Clues to Asthma
When Docs Disagree: Strategies Toward Better Patient Care
Putting Your Practice’s Inventory on a ‘No Pork Diet’
Savvy Tips for Marketing Your Practice on a Tight Budget
E-Sampling and Online Marketing Coming to Doctors
Recommendations From the PA Clinical Doctorate Summit
Is the PA Profession Recession-Proof?
Physician Burnout in the Emergency Room
When Drug Companies Merge & the Effect on Your Practice
Helping Patients Find Better Deals on Tests and Medicines
Maintaining Your Practice Through Tough Economic Times
Congress Considers Emergency Care