Lawrence Sherman, FACEHP, CCMEP
PeerTrends in Interdisciplinary Medical Education
Lawrence Sherman, FACEHP, CCMEP
PeerMedical Direction in CME Content Development
Lawrence Sherman, FACEHP, CCMEP
PeerRedefining Continuing Professional Development in Modern Medicine
Lawrence Sherman, FACEHP, CCMEP
PeerCreating Medical Education Programs: Roles of the ACEHP
Lawrence Sherman, FACEHP, CCMEP
PeerThe Benefits of Patient Data Protection
Postprandial Blood Glucose: Diabetes Control & Complications
Growing Concerns of Diabetes and Various Cancers
Sugary Drinks and the Increasing Epidemic of Type-2 Diabetes
Updates in the Classification & Diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes
Career Trends for Hospitalists and Emergency Care Physicians
Assessing Medical Liability From the Patient's Perspective
Imagining Healthcare's Future: The Emergence of TEDMED
Incretin Treatment Options: What's New & in the Pipeline?