Spotlight on Bronchoconstriction
Bronchoconstriction is a tightening of smooth muscle around the bronchi and bronchioles that can lead to wheezing and shortness of breath. It’s a condition that typically occurs in patients with asthma, COPD, and other lung diseases, and if it's left untreated, it can become life-threatening.
That’s why our Spotlight on Bronchoconstriction series seeks to raise awareness of this condition by featuring expert pulmonologists and other health professionals who come together to share critical diagnostic and treatment strategies.
Epoprostenol: A Look at a Last-Line Inhalation Therapy for ARDS
Clinician's RoundtableEpoprostenol: A Look at a Last-Line Inhalation Therapy for ARDS
COPD Care Redefined: A Review of the Updated GOLD Treatment Recommendations
Clinician's RoundtableCOPD Care Redefined: A Review of the Updated GOLD Treatment Recommendations
Breathing Beyond Birth: The Symptoms and Treatment of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
Clinician's RoundtableBreathing Beyond Birth: The Symptoms and Treatment of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
Asthma Control Assessment: To ACT, ACQ, or AIRQ?
Clinician's RoundtableAsthma Control Assessment: To ACT, ACQ, or AIRQ?
New Advancements in the Prevention of RSV in Infancy and Pregnancy
Clinician's RoundtableNew Advancements in the Prevention of RSV in Infancy and Pregnancy
Link Found Between Vaping and Asthma, COPD in Young Adults
Clinician's RoundtableLink Found Between Vaping and Asthma, COPD in Young Adults