Talking to a patient about sexual health can be as uncomfortable for the medical professional as it may be for the patient. This groundbreaking series is dedicated to helping healthcare professionals address the needs of the estimated 30-45 percent of patients who may be suffering from issues related to this under-discussed but critical aspect of patient care. SexMed presents the latest advances and current perspectives in this field, reminding us all that sexual health is integral to general health. Topics examine a wide range of physical, psychological, and sociocultural issues that impact sexual function and health.
Episodes 1-15 of 34
Investigating the Link Between Sexual Activity & Menopause Onset
Clinician's RoundtableInvestigating the Link Between Sexual Activity & Menopause Onset
Male Infertility Insights: Causes, Diagnosis, & Treatment
SexMedMale Infertility Insights: Causes, Diagnosis, & Treatment
Male Hypogonadism: More Than Just Low Testosterone
SexMedMale Hypogonadism: More Than Just Low Testosterone
A Peer's Perspective on Treating Patients with Anorgasmia
SexMedA Peer's Perspective on Treating Patients with Anorgasmia
Expert Tips on Treating Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause
SexMedExpert Tips on Treating Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause
IBD & Intimacy: Managing an Under-Recognized Issue
Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation PerspectivesIBD & Intimacy: Managing an Under-Recognized Issue
STI Screening & Counseling Strategies for Transgender Patients
Clinician's RoundtableSTI Screening & Counseling Strategies for Transgender Patients
Quack Went the Doc: The Origins of Snake Oil Salesmen in Medicine
Rub Some Dirt In ItQuack Went the Doc: The Origins of Snake Oil Salesmen in Medicine
Keeping Up on Matters 'Down There:' Feminine Hygiene Advice for Clinicians
SexMedKeeping Up on Matters 'Down There:' Feminine Hygiene Advice for Clinicians
Selecting the Best Contraceptive Methods: A Sexual Health Perspective
SexMedSelecting the Best Contraceptive Methods: A Sexual Health Perspective
The Art of Re-Coupling: Therapeutic Interventions for Couples
SexMedThe Art of Re-Coupling: Therapeutic Interventions for Couples
Challenges With Flibanserin as Treatment for Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder
SexMedChallenges With Flibanserin as Treatment for Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder
Life After Ovarian Cancer: Protecting Sexual and General Health for Survivors
SexMedLife After Ovarian Cancer: Protecting Sexual and General Health for Survivors