Welcome to ReachMD Briefs, your source for exclusive short video content on ReachMD. Each video provides medical insights in brief, easy-to-digest formats for when you only have a moment of time between patient visits. From the latest medical discoveries to obscure medical jargon, there’s something for everyone. So go ahead, explore our content and find something interesting to share with your patients or discuss around the wards. Who knows what you will discover?
Storytelling Made Simple: Best Ways to Share Your Experiences
Working Too Much: How Extended Hours Affect Cardiac Health
Brian P. McDonough, MD, FAAFP
PeerHow to Command a Room: Tips on Conveying Leadership
Recognizing Teen Depression: Updated Screening Guidelines
Brian P. McDonough, MD, FAAFP
PeerThe Introvert's Guide to Breaking the Ice Professionally
Meet Matt Birnholz, MD
Matt Birnholz, MD
PeerThe Surprising Brain Health Benefits of Complex Jobs
Brian P. McDonough, MD, FAAFP
PeerWords Matter: Adding Conviction to Patient Conversations
A Doctor's Stress Relief Checklist for the Holidays
Jennifer Caudle, DO
PeerHow Do Mortality Rates Vary Based on Where You Live?
Meet Barry Mennen, MD
Barnett Mennen, MD
PeerDecline Reported in Prevalence of Dementia in the U.S.
Kathy King, RDN
PeerUse of Statins for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease