Welcome to ReachMD Briefs, your source for exclusive short video content on ReachMD. Each video provides medical insights in brief, easy-to-digest formats for when you only have a moment of time between patient visits. From the latest medical discoveries to obscure medical jargon, there’s something for everyone. So go ahead, explore our content and find something interesting to share with your patients or discuss around the wards. Who knows what you will discover?
'Pac Man' Enzyme Eats Nicotine to Curb Smoking
Matt Birnholz, MD
PeerIncreasing Use of Prescription Drugs in the U.S.
Peanut Butter Smell Test 'Sniffs Out' Alzheimer’s Disease
Matt Birnholz, MD
PeerMeds Get a Makeover: FDA Approves First 3D-Printed Drug
Matt Birnholz, MD
PeerThe Immeasurable Value of Humor in Clinical Practice