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Unraveling IgA Nephropathy: Clinical Features and the Need for Early Diagnosis  



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In the second part of this two-episode program, Drs. Norouzi and Hassler discuss the progression of IgA nephropathy and the urgency for early intervention. 

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  • Overview

    One of the critical aspects of IgA nephropathy is its insidious onset as many patients are unaware of their condition until significant kidney damage has already occurred, resulting in a high disease burden that worsens as the disease progresses.1-3 Since the silent nature of the disease makes screening and monitoring crucial,4 Dr. Jennifer Caudle speaks with Drs. Sayna Norouzi and Jared Hassler about the progression of IgA nephropathy and how we can diagnose patients early. Dr. Norouzi is the Director of the Glomerular Disease Clinic at Loma Linda University, and Dr. Hassler is Associate Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at Temple University’s Lewis Katz School of Medicine in Philadelphia.


    1. Lai KN, Tang SC, Schena FP, et al. IgA nephropathy. Nat Rev Dis Primers. 2016;2:16001.
    2. Rajasekaran A, Julian BA, Rizk DV. IgA nephropathy: An interesting autoimmune kidney disease. Am J Med Sci. 2021;361:176-194.
    3. Wyatt RJ, Julian BA. IgA nephropathy. N Engl J Med. 2013;368:2402-2414.
    4. Maixnerova D, Reily C, Bian Q, Neprasova M, Novak J, Tesar V. Markers for the progression of IgA nephropathy. J Nephrol. 2016;29:535-541

    November 2024 US.UNB.X.24.00119


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