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Public Profile

Philip Greipp, MD
Philip Greipp, MD
    A professor of medicine in the department of hematology and professor of laboratory medicine and pathology at the Mayo Medical School, Dr. Greipp serves as the director of the Mayo’s Cancer Center Hematologic Malignancies Program. I chair the myeloma amyloidosis, dysproteinemia disease oriented group. His research focuses on the biology of multiple myeloma and related monoclonal gammopathies, and his work is funded by the National Cancer Institute, the Leukemia Lymphoma Society, the Damon-Runyon Cancer Research Fund, Industry, and Mayo Development funds.

    He contributed to the invention of the BrDU plasma cell labeling index (PCLI), which has moved from a simple research tool to become a valuable tool for diagnosis and for predicting outcome. Further, the Myeloma Cell Bank provides samples of marrow and blood from over 6000 patients and it has become a national and international resource. We serve Mayo investigators as well as investigators of the Myeloma SPORE Grant and Multiple Myeloma Research Consortium and the National Cooperative Groups. These represent an invaluable resource allowing performance of many assays requiring fresh or frozen DNA, RNA, cells, and plasma.

    Schedule19 Sep 2024