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The Corporate Role in the Battle Against Obesity

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  • Overview

    With the US amid an obesity epidemic, the White House has made healthy eating a national priority. But will market forces eventually undermine and sabotage this high-profile effort to curtail obesity? Hank Cardello, a fellow of the Washington DC think tank the Hudson Institute, and director of its Obesity Solutions Institute and author of the book Stuffed: An Insider's Look at Who's (Really) Making America Fat, talks with host Bruce Japsen about how to persuade companies that product offerings which help reduce, instead of increase, the country's waistline can also improve the corporate bottom line.

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  • Overview

    With the US amid an obesity epidemic, the White House has made healthy eating a national priority. But will market forces eventually undermine and sabotage this high-profile effort to curtail obesity? Hank Cardello, a fellow of the Washington DC think tank the Hudson Institute, and director of its Obesity Solutions Institute and author of the book Stuffed: An Insider's Look at Who's (Really) Making America Fat, talks with host Bruce Japsen about how to persuade companies that product offerings which help reduce, instead of increase, the country's waistline can also improve the corporate bottom line.

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Schedule1 Jul 2024