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"Google Maps" for Human Body Cells: Biology's New Frontier

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  • Overview

    To dive deeper into the creation of a "Google Maps" for the body's 37 trillion cells, Mark Masselli and Margaret Flinter speak with the Co-Chairs of the Human Cell Atlas project: Dr. Aviv Regev of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard and Dr. Sarah Teichmann of the Wellcome Sanger Institute at Cambridge. This project is a global collaboration of multiple scientific disciplines tasked with creating a comprehensive and open-source cell map to yield insights into the foundational elements of human health and disease.

  • Overview

    To dive deeper into the creation of a "Google Maps" for the body's 37 trillion cells, Mark Masselli and Margaret Flinter speak with the Co-Chairs of the Human Cell Atlas project: Dr. Aviv Regev of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard and Dr. Sarah Teichmann of the Wellcome Sanger Institute at Cambridge. This project is a global collaboration of multiple scientific disciplines tasked with creating a comprehensive and open-source cell map to yield insights into the foundational elements of human health and disease.

Schedule28 Sep 2024