Each month ReachMD XM 157 presents a special series.
This month is Focus on Diabetes. Listen each hour at this time as we explore
with American's top medical thought leaders for latest information on diabetes.
How do athletes manage diabetes? You're listening to
ReachMD XM 157, The Channel for Medical Professionals. Welcome to the
Clinician's Roundtable. I am Susan Dolan, your host, and with me is Dr. Anne
Peters, Professor of Medicine and Director of the University of Southern
California's Clinical Diabetes Program, and author of the book Conquering
Diabetes. A Cutting-Edge Comprehensive Program for Prevention and Treatment.
Dr. Peters, welcome to the Clinician's Roundtable.
Excellent, thanks for having me.
What led to your interest in diabetes?
Well, I think I am a person who likes to sit around and
think a lot and diabetes is the perfect disease for that because it's really
the analysis of blood sugars and food and how a person's body reacts to a
variety of different settings and it's also a disease in which one has
long-term followup with patient, so I love knowing my patients over years and
years and it lets me help them really achieve whatever it is they want to
Describe the challenges diabetic athlete says.
Well, the biggest challenge is hypoglycemia or low blood
sugar because not only can low blood sugar reactions occur after exercise, they
also can occur during exercise and it's really hard, I think, to balance the
insulin, in particular, what people are eating and then exercise and partly
it's because a lot of my patients use exercise as a means to lose weight, but
then if their blood sugars go low and they have to consume more carbohydrates,
then obviously that kind of defeats the purpose, so it's really balancing the
insulin and the fuel source with the exercise to make it work right so the
person's blood sugars are fine and their caloric intake is not increased.
How should insulin dosing change before, during, and after
Well, it depends on the intensity of the exercise as well as
the duration of the exercise so if somebody is exercising very intensively,
their going on an elliptical trainer at full speed for 45 minutes, their blood
sugar actually will go up because of the catecholamine release after the
intense exercise, and so those people might get discouraged because their
sugars go up, but when somebody starts exercising and gets trained, that is,
their muscles become more sensitive then their blood sugars will start to go
down. So the way to adjust it at first is that the meal before the exercise
and the best time for a person to exercise is 90 minutes after eating, I
generally reduce the rapid acting insulin before the meal before the exercise
by about 50%, now that's assuming moderate exercise for 30 to 60 minutes and then
I have the person check their blood sugar when they first start half an hour
into exercise to see what their sugar is and if it's going down then they need
to consume carbohydrates, usually 15 to 30 g, but if not, then I have them
continue the exercise then check after the exercise and then again before the
next meal, so I have them start to give me a pattern of their blood sugars.
Often the delayed hypoglycemia may be 8-10 hours later, so some of my patients
reduce their long-acting insulin overnight so they don't go low at night after
exercise, but a lot of this is trial and error based on the individual patient
and having them test before, during, and after exercise, so I can start
figuring out what they should do.
What types of carbohydrates should be eaten?
Well I usually have people have with them something that's
quickly absorbed so little juice boxes are good, 4 ounces of juice is 15 g of
carbs, but a lot of my patients like to get that "Go stuff," it
comes, you know, like a gel which is what they sell at sporting goods stores
and a lot of the sport drinks that have you know glucose in them are also
helpful, but Go is easy to take when people are running and often it's easy to
take because when you start eating the Go, it gets absorbed in the mucous
membranes so the people don’t get nauseated from drinking too much fluid and
then the fluid is fine, the juices in sport drinks that have carbohydrates are fine.
Are there special considerations for diabetic children, who
are involved in sports?
Well, one of the problems with children with diabetes in
sports is that kids in general just eats more carbohydrates and run around and
they have all those wonderful energy and you don’t want them to go low during
sports because, obviously, that's a problem in kids. You keep their blood
sugars actually somewhat higher than in adults, so with kids doing sports, I
tend to give more frequent snack, so I may not necessarily have them do as much
complicated testing as an adult where they don’t want to go low because they
are afraid of extra calories, but might rather give a kid a snack after half an
hour of exercise just to get their sugars levels at a good level so that they
can run around and not worry about hypoglycemia. With kids, it's more about
just maintaining their blood sugars at a good level and you know letting them
go out and have fun.
Dr. Peters, what are your thoughts about supplements for
athletes with diabetes?
Well, it's hard to know exactly what people should do
because there is not a lot of proven evidence about supplements in any person,
who has diabetes or not in terms of enhancing performance. Now, obviously
banned substances, are banned substances and things like growth hormone and
steroids are particularly bad in people with diabetes because it makes their
sugars even higher, so I am not even talking about those, but the routine
supplements that people take when they are exercising, there is a whole bunch
of different ones that people adhere to and I don’t see any contraindication,
although I don’t see any huge indication either. So in terms of supplement
other than, you know, making sure that there is enough glucose and protein in
the system to maintain normal blood sugar levels, people can do the supplements
based on whatever their particular interest is, training is, whatever they want
to do.
Can the excitement of a competitive event cause blood sugar
to spike?
Well, yes, it can cause blood sugars to go way up because of
the stress of competing and so I have completely different insulin regimen for
patients on race days as opposed to training days, and I have an olympic
swimmer I have helped, I've got triathletes that I help, I try to work with all
sorts of athletes and each one is different, but in each case there is a
difference and how they need to be treated on days they are competing, so it's
just like everything, paying attention to detail and getting really careful
logs, so what I'll do is if I have a patient who is training and running their
first triathlon, I'll have them keep very careful records for that first one
and then I'll use it to help coach them through the next one and then the next
one so we can get it just right.
What are the mechanics when diabetics run the marathon and
What I try to do is have capacity for the individual to test
at transition, so if someone is doing a triathlon, they need to be able to test
when they swim and then when they get out of the water and potentially while
they are cycling and then when they get off the cycle and then before and after
the running and what you don’t want to do is to have somebody get so stressed
that they become so resistant to insulin that they go into ketoacidosis at the
end of the race, and I've had that happen on a couple of times when patients
have gotten dehydrated while they were racing so hydration is vital through
these events and then having tests, and occasionally somebody in the triathlon
for instance, will need to take some insulin because otherwise they really will
become just too hyperglycemic and so part of it is just making sure they have a
little tiniest meter. Some of my patients who race now do continuous glucose
monitoring and have a continuous readout of their blood sugars and then I have
them, you know, dose insulin depending on what leg of the event they are in and
whether or not they are going to need it in terms of maintaining a good blood
sugar level.
Are some of your patients running with the pumps?
Oh yes, pumps are great for people who run. They are not so
good for swimmers, although I have triathletes, who use pumps too, they just
take the pumps off for swimming, but a pump is really easy because then you can
give the little doses that you might need to overcome some of the hyperglycemia
with racing and sometimes when training, people does take the pump off because
they don’t need it, but again, it really depends on how long someone is
training for and what the event is, the intensity of the training.
Who are some famous diabetic athletes?
Well, Gary Hall, Jr., is winner of multiple gold medals, he
is a sprinter, he is a swimmer, and he is an amazing athlete and developed type
1 diabetes in between the Athens Olympics and the Sydney Olympics, and I worked
really hard with him to work out a regimen that would work and I went with him
to Sydney, and then I went with him to Athens and in both cases he won gold
medals in his event, which is the 50 m freestyle, but he is the one who taught
me the most about sport and diabetes because we were so careful monitoring him
both in the pool, and then you know when he was training and then when he was
racing, so he just taught me everything. I know I think about physiology when
it comes to diabetes.
How old was he when he developed the disease.
I think he got it when he was 26.
And that's the new onset.
New onset type 1 diabetes at age 26, yes, and it almost
ruined his swimming career, but I was really really proud of his ability to
overcome that as an obstacle.
How common is that with older people developing a new onset,
insulin dependent.
Well, we used to think it was not very common, which is why
we called type 1 juvenile onset, but we now know that it can happen at any age
and part of why we know more now is because we have anti-GAD antibodies that we
can measure to show whether someone has autoimmune type 1 or not and so what we
found, at least the recent studies that I've read have shown is that about 50%
of people with type 1 are diagnosed before the age of 20 and these days about
50% after the age of 20, and my oldest patient that I diagnosed with type 1 was
93 years old, so it can really happen at any age and people need to be aware of
it because if someone is diagnosed with adult onset type 1 they need to start
insulin much sooner than if somebody has type 2.
And why the change over the years?
Well, I think we've just become better at testing for it, we
didn’t have the antibody tests 5 years ago so we didn’t know if somebody was a
type 2 or a type 1 in adulthood, so part of it's just that we diagnose it
better and it's also an autoimmune process and we know that in general
autoimmune diseases are increasing in terms of their frequency and the
population possibly because of environmental changes, you know we don’t know
why, but I think a lot of it's that we just didn’t have the tools to diagnose
Dr. Peters, thank you so much for joining us to discuss
diabetes management in athletics.
Thanks for having me.
I am Susan Dolan. You've been listening to the
Clinician's Roundtable on ReachMD XM 157, The Channel for Medical
Professionals. Please visit our website at www.reachmd.com,
which now features our entire library of on-demand podcasts or call us toll
free with your comments and suggestions at triple-8 MD XM 157 (888-MD-XM-157).
Thank you for listening.
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You are listening to ReachMD XM 157, The Channel for Medical Professionals.