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The Influence of Sleep Position on Heart and Brain Health: An Evidence-Based Discussion

The Influence of Sleep Position on Heart and Brain Health

What's New

New research highlights the possible effects of sleep position on heart and brain health, especially concerning sleep apnea.


Understanding the implications of sleep position can aid healthcare professionals in offering better guidance and treatments for conditions like sleep apnea, potentially improving patient outcomes.

Quick Summary

This article explores the potential impact of sleep position on heart and brain health. It examines the preferences people have for particular sleep positions and their effects, particularly in individuals with sleep apnea or other related conditions. The article discusses insights from notable sleep experts such as Dr. Susan Redline and Dr. Devin L. Brown, who emphasize the importance of sleep position for cardiovascular health and the removal of brain waste. The article also highlights practical solutions for improving sleep positioning, especially for those diagnosed with sleep apnea.

The Role of Sleep Position in Health

Sleep position can significantly affect particular health conditions, including sleep apnea and GERD. Certain positions may alleviate or exacerbate symptoms of these conditions. If sleep position contributes to symptom severity, then changing position can improve health outcomes.

Sleep position is often a personal choice, influenced by comfort and habit, yet it can play a critical role in managing health conditions. Dr. Rachel Salas, a sleep neurologist, explains that while preference is key, the chosen position can have implications for cardiovascular and brain health.

Dr. Susan Redline from Brigham and Women's Hospital indicates that individuals with heart failure might prefer sleeping on their right side to reduce symptoms but notes the potential benefits of left-side sleeping for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This highlights the nuanced role sleep position can play in managing different health issues.

Sleep Apnea and Positional Therapy

Positional therapy can be an effective intervention for sleep apnea. Since back-sleeping can worsen sleep apnea, encouraging side-sleeping could lessen its impact.

Sleep apnea, a condition characterized by disrupted breathing during sleep, can be influenced by the position one sleeps in. Dr. Devin L. Brown emphasizes the substantial difference in apnea severity between back-sleeping and side-sleeping, with the latter often presenting less severe symptoms.

'Most people with sleep apnea have much, much worse sleep apnea when they sleep on their back versus on their sides,' Redline said.

Solutions such as positional therapy, which includes using devices or positional training methods, are suggested to mitigate these effects. Products like shirts with pockets for holding a tennis ball can discourage back-sleeping, aligning sleep posture with health benefits.

Practical Recommendations for Optimizing Sleep

Practical adjustments can significantly improve sleep quality and overall health. Simple changes in sleep environment or position can have profound effects.

Healthcare experts stress the importance of evaluating and adjusting sleep environments to optimize rest and recovery. Dr. Salas points out that even minor changes, such as pillow replacement or using supportive towels, can facilitate better sleep posture and comfort.

Salas encourages experimentation with sleep positions to potentially discover improvements in sleep quality and health outcomes.

It is crucial for individuals to assess their sleep patterns and seek guidance if persistent discomfort or health issues arise. By prioritizing sleep and experimenting with adjustments, individuals can often achieve better health outcomes.


  • Gottesman, R. F., et al. (2024). Impact of Sleep Disorders and Disturbed Sleep on Brain Health: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association. Stroke.
  • Brown, D. L., et al. (2011). Clinical trial on sleep position and apnea severity. Sleep Medicine.
  • AHA. (2021). AHA scientific statement on sleep apnea. AHA Journals.
Schedule14 Mar 2025