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What’s New in Treating the Anticoagulated Patient with ICH?

Stay ahead in ICH management! Discover the latest in care strategies and evidence-based practices for anticoagulated patients.

Live Broadcast
1.50 available credits
May 16, 2024
13:15 - 14:45 CEST
ReachMD Healthcare Image
  • Overview

    Dive deep into the critical care of anticoagulated patients with ICH. Our panel of esteemed experts will deliver essential insights into the latest treatment approaches, exploring recent data focused on reversing anticoagulation and the neurosurgical management of ICH. This program will provide a comprehensive understanding of key strategies proven to be effective in these complex cases, highlighting the most up-to-date guideline-directed, evidence-based practices. Join us to enhance your clinical knowledge and stay at the forefront of advanced patient care in the setting of ICH.

    This event is not an official event of the ESO Conference. Not sponsored or endorsed by ESO.

  • Agenda




    Welcome & Introductions


    Emerging Data on Reversal and Repletion for Anticoagulated Patients with ICH: The Neurocritical Care Perspective – Dr. Kreitzer


    Optimizing Your Pharmacologic Approach to Reversing Anticoagulation for ICH – Dr. Seiffge


    Neurosurgical Management of ICH: Making Sense of ENRICH, SWITCH, STICH, and MISTIE – Dr. Patel


    ESO Guidelines for the Management of ICH in the Anticoagulated Patient – Dr. Steiner


    Does Care Bundling Improve Outcomes for Patients with Intracranial Hemorrhage? – Dr. Parry-Jones


    Case Discussions with Panel and Audience 


    Symposium End

  • Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest

    In accordance with the ACCME Standards for Integrity and Independence, Global Learning Collaborative (GLC) requires that individuals in a position to control the content of an educational activity disclose all relevant financial relationships with any ineligible company. GLC mitigates all conflicts of interest to ensure independence, objectivity, balance, and scientific rigor in all educational programs.

    The following have disclosed:

    Natalie Kreitzer, MD, MS,  faculty for this educational event, is a contracted researcher for the HeadSMART program by BrainBox; is a speaker for Alexion, an unaffiliated neurotrauma consultant for the National Football League; and a consultant for Entegrion.   

    Adrian R. Parry-Jones, MD, PhD, faculty for this educational event, received honoraria from AstraZeneca and Alveron Pharma. 

    David Seiffge, MD, faculty for this educational event, has received research funding from AstraZeneca.

    Thorsten Steiner, MD, PhD, MME, faculty for this educational event, has received consulting fees from AstraZeneca, Boehringer, and BMS Pfizer.

    Hiren C. Patel, PhD, FRCS, faculty for this educational event, has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

    W. Brian Gibler, MD, FACEP, FACC, FAHA, planner and moderator for this educational event, is a board member/shareholder for Entegrion, Inc., and EMCREG-International; and is an advisor for Entegrion, Inc.

    Brian P. McDonough, MD, FAAP, peer reviewer for this educational activity, has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

    The following reviewers, managers, planners, and relevant staff reported they do not have any financial relationships with any ineligible companies:
    . Susan Diaz
    . Vin Kalathiveetil, PharmD

  • Target Audience

    This activity has been designed to meet the educational needs of neurologists, neurointensivists, critical care specialists, emergency medicine professionals, clinical cardiologists, hospital medicine professionals, radiologists, neurosurgeons, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, and pharmacists, as well as other healthcare providers involved in the management of care for patients with intracranial hemorrhage (ICH).

  • Learning Objectives

    After participating in this educational activity, participants should be better able to:

    • Describe the various therapies necessary to manage care of anticoagulated patients with ICH in the neurocritical care setting, including reversal and repletion.
    • Illustrate the latest neurosurgical clinical trial data to optimize care for patients with ICH.
    • Categorize the specific recommendations from the recent ESO guidelines on the management of ICH in the anticoagulated patient and describe approaches to implement them.
    • Outline the 3 elements of ICH care bundling and how each optimizes the care of the anticoagulated patient.
  • Accreditation and Credit Designation Statements

    In support of improving patient care, this activity has been planned and implemented by Global Learning Collaborative (GLC) and Total CME, LLC. GLC is jointly accredited by the American Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.

    Global Learning Collaborative (GLC) designates this enduring activity for a maximum of 1.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

    Global Learning Collaborative (GLC) designates this activity for 1.50 nursing contact hours. Nurses should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

    Global Learning Collaborative (GLC) designates this activity for 1.50 CEUs of pharmacy contact hours. 

    The Universal Activity Number for this program is JA0006235-0000-24-047-L01-P . This learning activity is knowledge based. Your CE credits will be electronically submitted to the NABP upon successful completion of the activity. Pharmacists with questions can contact NABP customer service at

  • Provider(s)/Educational Partner(s)

    It’s about time! Today’s on-the-go learners have minutes to spend on education instead of hours. Total CME, LLC is an award-winning, global healthcare education company that strategically pioneers methodology, initiatives, and platforms to meet these time-limited needs. Unlike other medical education companies, Total CME employs a microlearning approach and platform to create outcome-based curricula that motivate HCPs to engage in self-directed point-of-care learning that impacts change in real-time. Even while reaching the largest global distribution, we provide the most personalized, seamless learner experience. We’re meeting our busy learners where they are so they can focus on what they want when they need it, ultimately leading to behavior changes that impact clinical practice and empower patients in their own care.

    EMCREG-International is a global organization that focuses on providing education and research in the fields of emergency medicine, critical care, cardiology, hospital medicine, internal medicine, neurology, and laboratory medicine. The organization has been providing educational resources for over three decades to advanced practice providers, nurses, and pre-hospital caregivers. Their website offers widely read medical education publications, care pathway algorithms, and symposia recordings. EMCREG-International utilizes the acute care expertise of its membership to analyze key datasets, provide an opinion on the practice of emergency and acute care medicine, and debate key issues important to practice.

  • Commercial Support

    This activity is supported by an independent educational grant from AstraZeneca.

  • Disclaimer

    The views and opinions expressed in this educational activity are those of the faculty and do not necessarily represent the views of GLC and Total CME, LLC. This presentation is not intended to define an exclusive course of patient management; the participant should use their clinical judgment, knowledge, experience, and diagnostic skills in applying or adopting for professional use any of the information provided herein. Any procedures, medications, or other courses of diagnosis or treatment discussed or suggested in this activity should not be used by clinicians without evaluation of their patient's conditions and possible contraindications or dangers in use, review of any applicable manufacturer’s product information, and comparison with recommendations of other authorities. Links to other sites may be provided as additional sources of information. Once you elect to link to a site outside of Total CME you are subject to the terms and conditions of use, including copyright and licensing restriction, of that site.

    Reproduction Prohibited
    Reproduction of this material is not permitted without written permission from the copyright owner.

  • System Requirements

    • Supported Browsers (2 most recent versions):
      • Google Chrome for Windows, Mac OS, iOS, and Android
      • Apple Safari for Mac OS and iOS
      • Mozilla Firefox for Windows, Mac OS, iOS, and Android
      • Microsoft Edge for Windows
    • Recommended Internet Speed: 5Mbps+

  • Overview

    Dive deep into the critical care of anticoagulated patients with ICH. Our panel of esteemed experts will deliver essential insights into the latest treatment approaches, exploring recent data focused on reversing anticoagulation and the neurosurgical management of ICH. This program will provide a comprehensive understanding of key strategies proven to be effective in these complex cases, highlighting the most up-to-date guideline-directed, evidence-based practices. Join us to enhance your clinical knowledge and stay at the forefront of advanced patient care in the setting of ICH.

    This event is not an official event of the ESO Conference. Not sponsored or endorsed by ESO.

  • Agenda




    Welcome & Introductions


    Emerging Data on Reversal and Repletion for Anticoagulated Patients with ICH: The Neurocritical Care Perspective – Dr. Kreitzer


    Optimizing Your Pharmacologic Approach to Reversing Anticoagulation for ICH – Dr. Seiffge


    Neurosurgical Management of ICH: Making Sense of ENRICH, SWITCH, STICH, and MISTIE – Dr. Patel


    ESO Guidelines for the Management of ICH in the Anticoagulated Patient – Dr. Steiner


    Does Care Bundling Improve Outcomes for Patients with Intracranial Hemorrhage? – Dr. Parry-Jones


    Case Discussions with Panel and Audience 


    Symposium End

  • Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest

    In accordance with the ACCME Standards for Integrity and Independence, Global Learning Collaborative (GLC) requires that individuals in a position to control the content of an educational activity disclose all relevant financial relationships with any ineligible company. GLC mitigates all conflicts of interest to ensure independence, objectivity, balance, and scientific rigor in all educational programs.

    The following have disclosed:

    Natalie Kreitzer, MD, MS,  faculty for this educational event, is a contracted researcher for the HeadSMART program by BrainBox; is a speaker for Alexion, an unaffiliated neurotrauma consultant for the National Football League; and a consultant for Entegrion.   

    Adrian R. Parry-Jones, MD, PhD, faculty for this educational event, received honoraria from AstraZeneca and Alveron Pharma. 

    David Seiffge, MD, faculty for this educational event, has received research funding from AstraZeneca.

    Thorsten Steiner, MD, PhD, MME, faculty for this educational event, has received consulting fees from AstraZeneca, Boehringer, and BMS Pfizer.

    Hiren C. Patel, PhD, FRCS, faculty for this educational event, has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

    W. Brian Gibler, MD, FACEP, FACC, FAHA, planner and moderator for this educational event, is a board member/shareholder for Entegrion, Inc., and EMCREG-International; and is an advisor for Entegrion, Inc.

    Brian P. McDonough, MD, FAAP, peer reviewer for this educational activity, has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

    The following reviewers, managers, planners, and relevant staff reported they do not have any financial relationships with any ineligible companies:
    . Susan Diaz
    . Vin Kalathiveetil, PharmD

  • Target Audience

    This activity has been designed to meet the educational needs of neurologists, neurointensivists, critical care specialists, emergency medicine professionals, clinical cardiologists, hospital medicine professionals, radiologists, neurosurgeons, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, and pharmacists, as well as other healthcare providers involved in the management of care for patients with intracranial hemorrhage (ICH).

  • Learning Objectives

    After participating in this educational activity, participants should be better able to:

    • Describe the various therapies necessary to manage care of anticoagulated patients with ICH in the neurocritical care setting, including reversal and repletion.
    • Illustrate the latest neurosurgical clinical trial data to optimize care for patients with ICH.
    • Categorize the specific recommendations from the recent ESO guidelines on the management of ICH in the anticoagulated patient and describe approaches to implement them.
    • Outline the 3 elements of ICH care bundling and how each optimizes the care of the anticoagulated patient.
  • Accreditation and Credit Designation Statements

    In support of improving patient care, this activity has been planned and implemented by Global Learning Collaborative (GLC) and Total CME, LLC. GLC is jointly accredited by the American Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.

    Global Learning Collaborative (GLC) designates this enduring activity for a maximum of 1.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

    Global Learning Collaborative (GLC) designates this activity for 1.50 nursing contact hours. Nurses should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

    Global Learning Collaborative (GLC) designates this activity for 1.50 CEUs of pharmacy contact hours. 

    The Universal Activity Number for this program is JA0006235-0000-24-047-L01-P . This learning activity is knowledge based. Your CE credits will be electronically submitted to the NABP upon successful completion of the activity. Pharmacists with questions can contact NABP customer service at

  • Provider(s)/Educational Partner(s)

    It’s about time! Today’s on-the-go learners have minutes to spend on education instead of hours. Total CME, LLC is an award-winning, global healthcare education company that strategically pioneers methodology, initiatives, and platforms to meet these time-limited needs. Unlike other medical education companies, Total CME employs a microlearning approach and platform to create outcome-based curricula that motivate HCPs to engage in self-directed point-of-care learning that impacts change in real-time. Even while reaching the largest global distribution, we provide the most personalized, seamless learner experience. We’re meeting our busy learners where they are so they can focus on what they want when they need it, ultimately leading to behavior changes that impact clinical practice and empower patients in their own care.

    EMCREG-International is a global organization that focuses on providing education and research in the fields of emergency medicine, critical care, cardiology, hospital medicine, internal medicine, neurology, and laboratory medicine. The organization has been providing educational resources for over three decades to advanced practice providers, nurses, and pre-hospital caregivers. Their website offers widely read medical education publications, care pathway algorithms, and symposia recordings. EMCREG-International utilizes the acute care expertise of its membership to analyze key datasets, provide an opinion on the practice of emergency and acute care medicine, and debate key issues important to practice.

  • Commercial Support

    This activity is supported by an independent educational grant from AstraZeneca.

  • Disclaimer

    The views and opinions expressed in this educational activity are those of the faculty and do not necessarily represent the views of GLC and Total CME, LLC. This presentation is not intended to define an exclusive course of patient management; the participant should use their clinical judgment, knowledge, experience, and diagnostic skills in applying or adopting for professional use any of the information provided herein. Any procedures, medications, or other courses of diagnosis or treatment discussed or suggested in this activity should not be used by clinicians without evaluation of their patient's conditions and possible contraindications or dangers in use, review of any applicable manufacturer’s product information, and comparison with recommendations of other authorities. Links to other sites may be provided as additional sources of information. Once you elect to link to a site outside of Total CME you are subject to the terms and conditions of use, including copyright and licensing restriction, of that site.

    Reproduction Prohibited
    Reproduction of this material is not permitted without written permission from the copyright owner.

  • System Requirements

    • Supported Browsers (2 most recent versions):
      • Google Chrome for Windows, Mac OS, iOS, and Android
      • Apple Safari for Mac OS and iOS
      • Mozilla Firefox for Windows, Mac OS, iOS, and Android
      • Microsoft Edge for Windows
    • Recommended Internet Speed: 5Mbps+

Schedule14 Mar 2025