Welcome to the Weekly Check-up on ReachMD for the week of March 21st, 2016.
Check out this week's programs:
- Pandemic: Tracking Contagions, from Cholera to Ebola and Beyond
- Navigating the Changing Landscape of Diabetes
- Pulmonary Nodules at a Glance
- New National Screening Data on Comparative Performance for Cervical Disease Detection
- Optimizing the Continuity of Care in Schizophrenia: Role of Long-Acting Injectables
- Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Clinical Priorities from Detection to Liver Transplantation
- Toward Higher Quality Communication and Advance Care Planning
- Past Present and Future of Long Acting Growth Hormone: Implications on Adherence to Treatment
- Efficacy of Tissue Removal Systems for Intrauterine Pathology
- Growth Hormone Dosing and Monitoring
- Learning Without Borders: Effective Medical Education Design in the Mobile Age
- Clinical Implication of the Growth and Metabolism Interface
- Considerations in HIV-1 Treatment: Exploring Fixed-Dose Combinations