Welcome to the Weekly Check-up on ReachMD for the week of July 25th, 2016.
This week's lineup:
- Seductive Delusions: How Everyday People Catch STDs
- Priority Initiatives from the American College of Emergency Physicians: An Interview with Executive Director Dean Wilkerson
- Immunotherapy for Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: A Brief Review
- Applying the Evidence-Based Paradigm to Investing
- Multidisciplinary Management of Metastatic Colorectal Cancer
- Pathways Toward Better Lipid Medication Adherence
- A Deep-Dive Focus on Primary High-Risk HPV Testing
- All About the Horomones: Tailoring Hormonal Balance During Menopause and Perimenopause
- Monitoring Soluble HER2 Levels in Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer
- A Practice Unplugged: How a Physician Cares for the Amish in Lancaster County
- Improving Outcomes in Patients With Cervical Cancer: How Screening, Detection, and Clinical Advances Are Making a Difference
- The Rise of Vertebral Fractures: Incidence, Diagnosis and Treatment Options
- Medical Definitions: You Said What?!? Part 1