It’s a personalized medical internet search engine for the general consumer. For a patient anxiously searching for more information about their own condition—perhaps in preparation for a visit to you, their healthcare provider—it could be an invaluable resource. Ash Damle, chief executive officer of MEDgle, this new, web-based medical database, shares more details about his company and his plans for its future with host Dr. Matt Birnholz at the 28th Annual American Medical Association Medical Communications Conference in San Diego.
It’s a personalized medical internet search engine for the general consumer. For a patient anxiously searching for more information about their own condition—perhaps in preparation for a visit to you, their healthcare provider—it could be an invaluable resource. Ash Damle, chief executive officer of MEDgle, this new, web-based medical database, shares more details about his company and his plans for its future with host Dr. Matt Birnholz at the 28th Annual American Medical Association Medical Communications Conference in San Diego.