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Review Calls for More Positive Health Messaging Around Fertility

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Review calls for more positive health messaging around fertility

Review calls for more positive health messaging around fertility

Review calls for more positive health messaging around fertility

A recent review has called for more positive health messaging around fertility to help reduce the stigma and anxiety surrounding infertility.

The review, published in the journal Human Fertility, highlights the need for healthcare professionals to provide accurate and positive information about fertility to both men and women.

According to the review, many people have misconceptions about fertility, such as the belief that infertility is always caused by the woman or that fertility declines rapidly after the age of 35. These misconceptions can lead to anxiety and delay seeking help.

The review also suggests that negative language and messaging around fertility, such as referring to women as "geriatric mothers" or using terms like "infertile" or "barren," can contribute to the stigma surrounding infertility.

Instead, the review recommends using more positive language and messaging, such as emphasizing the potential for successful treatment and the importance of seeking help early.

Overall, the review highlights the importance of providing accurate and positive information about fertility to help reduce the stigma and anxiety surrounding infertility.

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Schedule30 Jun 2024