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Opinion: Men’s Mental Health Shouldn’t Be Neglected

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Unfortunately, despite society’s progress in addressing mental health issues, men’s mental health is still often neglected. Many men are still expected to be strong and tough, which often means being able to suppress their emotions. These stereotypes can lead to men ignoring their own mental health needs, which may be a contributor to growing rates of suicide. In 2021, men died by suicide 3.9 times more than women in the United States.

In a recent Deseret News article, “Blake Anderson overwhelmed by response to ESPN’s ‘College GameDay’ segment on son Cason, mental health awareness,” posted on Oct. 2, Blake Anderson discussed the ongoing struggle of losing his son, who died by suicide. This article brings to awareness not only the mental health of older adult males but also of younger males because Blake Anderson’s son, Cason, was only 21 years old when he died. Men’s mental health is crucial, and it’s time to pay more attention to it. We need to break the stigma that surrounds mental health and get rid of the shame associated with men asking for help. Men should feel comfortable seeking help, and our society needs to encourage men to prioritize their mental health and emotional well-being.

Noah Arnold


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Schedule30 Jun 2024