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Eating Emulsifiers During Pregnancy & Lactation Linked to Health Risks in Mouse Offspring

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Eating emulsifiers during pregnancy and lactation linked to health risks in mouse offspring

Eating Emulsifiers During Pregnancy and Lactation Linked to Health Risks in Mouse Offspring

Eating Emulsifiers During Pregnancy and Lactation Linked to Health Risks in Mouse Offspring

Emulsifiers are commonly used in processed foods to improve texture and extend shelf life. However, a recent study has found that consuming emulsifiers during pregnancy and lactation may have negative effects on the health of offspring.

The study, conducted on mice, found that exposure to two commonly used emulsifiers, carboxymethylcellulose and polysorbate-80, led to changes in gut microbiota and inflammation in the offspring. These changes were associated with an increased risk of obesity, metabolic disorders, and inflammatory bowel disease.

While the study was conducted on mice, the findings raise concerns about the potential health risks of consuming emulsifiers during pregnancy and lactation in humans. It is important for pregnant and breastfeeding women to be aware of the potential risks and to limit their consumption of processed foods that contain emulsifiers.

It is also important for food manufacturers to consider the potential health risks of using emulsifiers in their products and to explore alternative ingredients that are safer for consumption during pregnancy and lactation.

In conclusion, the study highlights the need for further research on the potential health risks of consuming emulsifiers during pregnancy and lactation. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should be cautious about their consumption of processed foods that contain emulsifiers and consider alternative, healthier options.

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Schedule1 Jul 2024