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Does Higher Education's Protection Against Cognitive Decline Differ by Race & Ethnicity?

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Does higher education's protection against cognitive decline differ by race and ethnicity?

Does higher education's protection against cognitive decline differ by race and ethnicity?

Does higher education's protection against cognitive decline differ by race and ethnicity?

As people age, cognitive decline becomes a concern for many. However, research has shown that higher education can protect against cognitive decline. But does this protection differ by race and ethnicity?

A study published in the Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences found that higher education does indeed have a protective effect against cognitive decline, but the effect varies by race and ethnicity.

The study analyzed data from the Health and Retirement Study, a nationally representative sample of adults over the age of 50 in the United States. The researchers found that higher education was associated with better cognitive function for all racial and ethnic groups, but the effect was strongest for non-Hispanic whites.

Non-Hispanic whites with a college degree had significantly better cognitive function than non-Hispanic whites with less than a high school education. However, the same was not true for African Americans and Hispanics. While higher education was still associated with better cognitive function for these groups, the effect was not as strong as it was for non-Hispanic whites.

These findings suggest that while higher education can protect against cognitive decline for all racial and ethnic groups, there may be other factors at play that make the effect stronger for non-Hispanic whites. Further research is needed to understand these differences and to develop interventions that can help all groups maintain cognitive function as they age.

In conclusion, higher education can protect against cognitive decline, but the effect may differ by race and ethnicity. It is important to continue studying these differences and developing interventions that can help all groups maintain cognitive function as they age.

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Schedule30 Jun 2024