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Deaths by Suicide Increase Significantly During the Week of a Full Moon, Finds Study

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Deaths by suicide increase significantly during the week of a full moon, finds study

Deaths by suicide increase significantly during the week of a full moon, finds study

Deaths by suicide increase significantly during the week of a full moon, finds study

A recent study has found that deaths by suicide increase significantly during the week of a full moon. The study, which was conducted by researchers at the University of Michigan, analyzed data from over 1,500 suicides that occurred in the state of Michigan between 1990 and 2005.

The researchers found that suicides were 25% more likely to occur during the week of a full moon, compared to other weeks of the month. This increase was particularly pronounced among men, who were 69% more likely to die by suicide during the week of a full moon.

While the study did not establish a causal relationship between the full moon and suicide, the researchers suggest that the increased brightness of the moon during this time may disrupt sleep patterns and exacerbate underlying mental health issues.

The findings of this study have important implications for suicide prevention efforts. Mental health professionals and crisis hotlines may want to increase their staffing levels during the week of a full moon, and individuals who are struggling with mental health issues may want to take extra precautions during this time.

It is important to note that suicide is a complex issue with many contributing factors, and the full moon is just one of many potential risk factors. If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, it is important to seek help from a mental health professional or crisis hotline.

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Schedule1 Jul 2024