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Personalized Obesity Management: A Comprehensive Approach
Donna Ryan, MD
Andreea Ciudin, MD, PhD
The Power of Shared Decision-Making in Obesity Care
Charles P. Vega, MD
The Power of Teamwork: Multidisciplinary Obesity Care
Marta Comas
Diagnosing Obesity: Beyond BMI
Walmir Coutinho, MD
A Global Health Crisis
Pharmacotherapy in Obesity: Current and Emerging Options
Breaking the Bias: Addressing Stigma in Obesity Care
Transforming Global Obesity Care: Empowering Clinicians With Comprehensive Strategies From Early Diagnosis to Patient-Centered Treatments
Rita Nawar
Nasreen Alfaris, MD, MPH
Linong Ji, MD
ns-MRAs: The Cardiovascular-Kidney-Metabolic Connection
Csaba P. Kovesdy, MD
Finnian R. Mc Causland, MD
ns-MRAs and eGFR Slope: The Kidney Perspective
Mastering MRA Monitoring: The Key to Success
Akshay S. Desai, MD
John McMurray, MD
Optimizing HF Outcomes Across the Spectrum: Emerging Evidence
A Multidisciplinary Exploration of Complexities and Controversies in Thyroid Eye Disease: Spotlight on Treatment and Management
Prem S. Subramanian, MD, PhD
Raymond Cho, MD, FACS
Sonalika Khachikian, MD
Christian Nasr, MD
Madhura Tamhankar, MD
Sara Tullis Wester, MD
Cardiorenal Collaboration: Optimizing Multidisciplinary Care in the CvRM Patient
Raymond Townsend, MD
Melissa Magwire, RN, MSN, CDE
Michael Weber, MD
MOA Deep Dive: The MRA Spectrum
Hiddo L. Heerspink, PhD
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