Welcome to this CKD Learning Center, your comprehensive hub for excellence in CKD education. Through expert interviews, case discussions, expert panels, and patient perspectives, leading global experts deliver the latest evidence-based guidance and real-world experiences for practicing clinicians. Join our growing community of nephrology care providers by engaging with the educational content in this learning center and sharing it with your healthcare team.
Together, we can advance the standard of CKD care worldwide!
Optimizing Outcomes in Patients With IgAN: Novel Therapies and Evolving Guidelines
Optimizing Outcomes in Patients With IgAN: Novel Therapies and Evolving Guidelines
Current Experiences in Identifying and Treating Itch in Patients on Hemodialysis
Current Experiences in Identifying and Treating Itch in Patients on Hemodialysis
Optimizing HF Outcomes Across the Spectrum: Emerging Evidence
Optimizing HF Outcomes Across the Spectrum: Emerging Evidence
Cardiorenal Collaboration: Optimizing Multidisciplinary Care in the CvRM Patient
Cardiorenal Collaboration: Optimizing Multidisciplinary Care in the CvRM Patient
Unveiling the Latest Advancements in CKD-Associated Pruritus Care
Unveiling the Latest Advancements in CKD-Associated Pruritus Care
Partnering for Progress: A Case Study in Patient-Centered Hyperkalemia Management
Partnering for Progress: A Case Study in Patient-Centered Hyperkalemia Management
Episode 2 Part A: The “High Risk” Patient: What Providers Need to Know
Episode 2 Part A: The “High Risk” Patient: What Providers Need to Know
Episode 2 Part B: Effectively Transferring Over the CKD Patient at the Right Time
Episode 2 Part B: Effectively Transferring Over the CKD Patient at the Right Time