Mastering the Management of ASCVD Risk
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Mastering the
Management of
This NEW Clinician’s Learning Center is a destination site for aggregated CME education where we will explore the challenges facing healthcare professionals involved in managing the care of patients with Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease (ASCVD) risk. After learning about the latest guideline recommendations and new ASCVD risk reduction clinical trial data, participants will be better able to integrate this advancing knowledge into their clinical practice to increase the number of patients at risk of ASCVD who are receiving the most appropriate, optimal therapy.
Check out the Featured Programs below and stay tuned for new programs launching this year.
“The best intervention is prevention! However, many patients with ASCVD or at high risk for ASCVD are suboptimally treated and have residual burden of atherogenic lipid particles. While statin therapy remains firstline therapy on top of healthy lifestyle for lipid management for ASCVD prevention, it is critical to address patients’ residual risk and multi-morbidity through a multipronged approach.”
-Erin Michos, MD
Featured Activities View ASCVD Activity Library
Integrating icosapent ethyl in cardiovascular risk reduction strategies: Practical guidance
Host: Pam R. Taub, MD, FACC, FASPC