Mastering the Management of ASCVD Risk

“The best intervention is prevention! However, many patients with ASCVD or at high risk for ASCVD are suboptimally treated and have residual burden of atherogenic lipid particles. While statin therapy remains firstline therapy on top of healthy lifestyle for lipid management for ASCVD prevention, it is critical to address patients’ residual risk and multi-morbidity through a multipronged approach.”

-Erin Michos, MD

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The Scientific Advisory Clinical Council is composed of worldwide KOLs in cardiovascular medicine, endocrinology, interventional cardiology, neurology, primary care, and pharmacy who together designed a customized curriculum that addresses the needs of clinicians who treat patients with or at risk of CV disease.
Mastering the Management of ASCVD Risk is a destination site for aggregated Medtelligence and PACE-produced CME education. The purpose of this global, multiformat, comprehensive initiative is to optimize the curriculum we have developed using the most up-to-date data to educate all healthcare providers involved in diagnosing and treating patients with or at risk of CV disease through customized channels. Also, select material related to ASCVD throughout this educational curriculum will focus on clear, concise communication with these key educational messages.